Don’t go to bed angry!

When you first got married someone of the Christian faith probably quoted the following scripture:

“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.  (Ephesians 4:26-27 NIV)

This scripture happens to be one of the most famous quotes given to those saved and unsaved during marriage celebrations. For those that are not in the household of faith it probably sounds more like this:

“Never go to bed angry.”

This is no doubt one of the best pieces of advice that anyone seeking to stay married forever can receive. Anger is one of the most deadly emotions that anyone can have.  Anger can lead one to make horrible life choices that lead to long-term consequences.  The effects of anger have also been known to cause both physical and psychological illnesses in one’s body.

If you allow anger to fester in your marriage it will block your ability to love as God has commanded.  It is impossible to love your spouse unconditionally and be angry at them at the same time. Love and anger do not mix!!!  Anger seeks revenge and justice, whereas love seeks peace and joy.
Satan would love nothing more than to send you and your spouse to bed angry at one another. When he accomplishes this task he knows that he has gained a place in your marriage that he can use to begin his work.

When anger arises in your marriage make every attempt to make peace before going to bed. Do not allow Satan to begin steps at tearing your marriage apart by pitting you against each other.  We have a favorite line that we like to use when we see Satan trying to get a foothold in our marriage. We start by smiling at the other person and we say, “We’re on the same team.”

Do not let the sun go down when you’re angry! Instead take a time out and devise a plan that allows for a win-win situation. Don’t forget in the midst of your anger, “You both are on the same team too!”

Best wishes,


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